Build your First App Part 1


               How to build your First App?

Download Android studio from its official site (or from, Then, install it in your system, after that set up SDK. To create new project just click on new project , if you already working in a project and want to create new project then follow the given steps(Go to File à New Project).

Step 1

Step 2

New project will be created as shown below:

Files in your Project:-

Here you will find 2 root folders(as shown in left side of above image) in your project. First is app ,app have all the files for your project .

This is further divided into 3 parts

1.   Manifest File:- It acts as the Boss of the app. Everything used in the app is defined hear (all android components) .Every Android app must include a file called AndroidManifest.xml at its root. The manifest file contains essential information about the app, such as what components it contains, required libraries, and other declarations.

2.   Java File:- The java folder contains any Java code you write. Every java class is that you created is here. Even if you what to create a new java just left click on this folder and click on new java file. The file will be created.

3.   Res File:- You can find app resources in the res folder. For example, the layout subfolder contains layouts, and the values subfolder contains resource files for values such as Strings. You can get other types of resources too.

 Following are the other main files in app folder, with which you will deal later:- defines an activity. An activity tells Android how the app should interact with the user.activity_main.xml defines a layout. A layout tells Android how your app should look.

strings.xml is a String resource file. It includes Strings(Text) such as the app’s name and any default text values saved by just giving it a name as an attribute. Other files such as layouts and activities can look up text values from here.

The second root folder is Gradle, which is an open source tool provide high performance, flexible, Extensibility and son on.
It have gradle file for app, project and many other things as shown below.

Gradle App: - It consist of the information related to app like minsdk, maxsdk, targetsdk versions and other dependencies.

Gradle Project: - It consists of Top-level build file where you can add configuration options common to all sub-projects/modules.

Your project will look similar as shown in the image below. Now, you will just get hello World printed in your activity when you run your app.

So, this was all about how you can create a new project in android studio. In the next post(Build your First App Part 2 ( we will cover view and View Group (TextField , Button and layouts) .For any query feel free to comment.




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